About admin

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So far admin has created 30 blog entries.

Hurricane Maria Update: February, 2018

Greetings Friends and Family, Things are slowly but surely improving on the island.  Electricity continues to be restored to various parts of the island little by little and most are beginning to rebuild their lives and homes. With these improvements come new advancements and new challenges.  One of the primary lessons in this [...]

2018-02-26T09:18:53-04:00February 25th, 2018|

Hurricane Maria Update: October, 2017

3MG after Hurricane Maria We survived!  Our farm suffered damage, but we will be operational for the 2017-2018 winter season.  For logistics purposes, we will be operating only on the north farm this season.  Land preparation has already begun.  Our official start date for planting this season is Nov 1.  If you want [...]

2018-02-25T17:01:53-04:00October 30th, 2017|

3MG Featured on The Land Online

'MN Company breeds multi-trait seed for a global market', a featured article on The Land Online. "The majors in the seed industry are still focusing on just one trait at a time. We see it differently. Our research constantly includes multiple environments. For example, if we concentrate on drought tolerance, you more than likely will first [...]

2017-01-03T19:16:10-04:00January 3rd, 2017|
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